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The concept of Peace in Islam

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

All praise belong to Allah master of the day of accountability and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon our noble prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Our appreciation goes to the organizer of this lovely gardening, His eminence the sultan of Sokoto Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar CFR, MNI and Bishop Dr. Sunday N. Onuoha especially the anchor of the programme held at Karu community in the person Mr. Ifeanyi Kalo.

The Term Peace can be defined as the state of calmness; it is the state of freedom from war.

The Arabic terms Islah (reform) and sull (peace) are from the same root. Islah means one’s reach of peace and serenity while leaving conflicts and deviation. In other words, it refers to leaving confusion by settling a dispute between  two people or two side or more.

The Concept of Peace in Islam

Islam is a religion of peace and peace is very fundamental in the life of human beings. Muslims have been enjoined to greet one another by uttering “Assalamu-Alaykum” meaning “May peace be upon you” This kind of greeting would be maintained in the hereafter.

A muslim therefore must maintained peace with his creator (Allah) by doing good things and avoiding evil things. He must also maintain peace with the people he relates with whether muslims or non-muslims, the lower animals and even the environment in which he lives in order to maintain peace between muslims and non-muslims.

Islam enjoin muslims, especially leaders to recreate freedom of religion to all. It also frowns at insulting or abusing the objects of worship of non-muslims. The Qur’an stated “And do not insult those they invnoke other than Allah, less they insult Allah in enemity” (Q6:108)

Significance of Peace and Tolerance

The almighty Allah create human beings knows what benefit or harm, hence he reveal the Qur’an to guide muslims in all walk of life.

Muslims are instructed to live together with one another peacefully and to relate with non-muslims with good cordial relationship.

In matter of religion, no muslim is allowed to compel anybody to accept islam without full conviction. The Qur’an clearly states “there is no compulsion in religion” (Q2:256)

Peacemaking and tolerance are very vital due to the following reasons;

1.  Tolerance help the muslims and non-muslims to understand one another, to help and appreciate the nature of living together as human being the two religion (Islam and Christianity) have in them the virtues of living harmony as well as propagating peaceful co-existence between them.

2.  Peace is very vital that we cannot do our (Worship) if there is no peace. When there is religious crisis in some areas, government is forced to put curfew and send security agents to maintain law and order.

3.  For any meaningful development to take place in any society or nation, peace is the basic issue that determine it directly or indirectly.

4.  Tolerance is a sign of humanity and humility is one of the characteristic of the prophet (S.A.W) whom the muslims copy from his deeds in line with the saying of Almighty Allah

Ways of Ensuring Peace and Tolerance

Islam is a religion of peace and it has given prime importance to peace making. It does not in any ways encourage unnecessary loss of lives, destruction of properties enmity and other vices.

To ensure peace the following ways are very effective;

1.  Following effective ways of correcting evils: human beings are created in such a way that they must commit offence in their daily lives by disobeying their creator. In view of this, a muslim is required to correct his brother/sister who deserve being corrected.

2.  Provision of effective human right, the idea of human right is not a new thing in Islam, it has been with the muslims right from the inception of Islam.

For the past 1440 years, Islam as mentioned the following basic human rights;

a.   Right to life (Q2:32)

b.  Right to freedom (Q2:256)

c.   Right to equity among people (Q4:130, Q21:49)

d.  Right to fair hearing (Q5:8)

e.   Right to freedom of speech and expression (Q43:13)

f.    Right to acquire property and freedom of movement

g.   Right to political asylum (Q60:9)

h.  Right to practice profession and conduct business (Q7:10)

3.  Organizing inter and intra religions dialogue: in order to understand one another and ensure effective tolerance among Islam and Christianity) religious dialogue, could be organized at local, state and federal levels in Nigeria. This could help to resolve religious issue in Nigeria.

Islam Uphold Social Solidarity

By their creation human are social beings. A human being can’t live alone. He is in need of other human beings who he will establish closeness and bonds with. On top of this, Man is created weak and he is not capable of satisfying all his need alone. So human beings should live together as communities, they should help each other, and they should perform their duties to God together. The Messenger  of Allah (blessing and peace be upon him) commands as follows:

“The hand (help) of Allah is with the community. Whosoever deserts the community end up on the path to Hell”.

“Community is mercy, separation into factions is torment”.

All the act of worship such as praying in congregation, Friday prayer, festivity prayer, pilgrimage (Al Hajj), obligation aims giving, aiding with people’s livelihoods, sacrifice and human relationships such as funeral ceremonies, wedding, visiting the ill, holding the relationship with the relatives strong, taking care of the needy always encourage people to be social. Of course, there are some troubles that arise when people interact. Patience and endurance are key. Islam promises great rewards to Muslims who live in a society and assume the burdens of people

Our master and the prophet to relate to all people kindly and never broke their hearts even though he used to be troubled by rude or blunt people. His uncles Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) felt pity for the prophet’s situated and said:

“O Messenger of Allah! I see that people are troubling you, they are bothering you with the dust they are raising. Why don’t you set up a special tent and talk to people from there?” Our master (blessings and peace be upon him) who was sent as mercy  to all the worlds, said:

“No! Until Allah takes me from among them and leads me serenity I will  continue to be with them. It doesn’t matter, let them step on my heels, pull my clothes, or bother me with the dust they are raising!”

The Messenger of Allah (blessing and peace be upon him) recommended the same thing to his nation by saying;

The muslims who live

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